Cozymeal was brought up to me a month or so ago, and to be honest i should have read the details more carefully because the words that registered in my head were "chef...."
30 minutes before the event took place, i read the full message and realized this was a dining+cooking class experience. Pasta making more specifically. why does that matter? probably because i was wearing all black and going to a music festival later and was looking forward to explaining to a group of club bouncers why i'm covered in copious amount of white powder residue and sweating.....
I was told it was BYOB, so knowing that wine is the typical thing to bring, i got a 12 pack of corona and headed up to the penthouse. good f---ing god.... this space is amazing.
high rise, floor to ceiling windows, no buildings obstructing the sunset view, exposed brick, open lay out, and an unbelievable kitchen and dining area. seriously i had to stop fangirling over my dream apt and focus on the task at hand... eating.
the class was set along this beautiful long repurposed wood table, with plants/vines draped over from the ceiling. one side was set for dinner, the other side was set up with 6 pasta stations on 1 side, and Chef Nunzio's station facing us.
oh shit, this is kinda ling already and ive said nothing of the class, so here's a paragraph on each of the 3 parts that made the night.
1. Chef Nunzio is pretty dope. He's been in the US for a few years, comes from Italy, and spending any adequate amount of time with him you quickly realize his essence is food it self. He bleeds homemade sauce, sweats the pursest truffle oil, and breathes the purest passion that can be when it comes to the kitchen. Just a heads up- after 4 coronas his accent is tough to understand. BTW, i meant after i had 4 coronas, not him.
2. The class- it was great, not too long, not short, informative, easy to work through, and fun. we made a homemade dough, cut it into parpadelle (neither me or spellcheck know how to spell that right now), and then had a presentation on making ravioli, and a few others. I've been in love with food since i was a fat 3rd grader, and equally as much with being in the kitchen since i completed my application to FCI in NYC. i've read textbooks, watched youtube videos, etc to learn more and add to my skill set. But Chef Nunzio and this class taught me in one night what i have managed to miss most of life- take your time, have patience, and get it done correctly
3. Food..... i mean its fucking pasta. he's from italy. you obviously know it was amazing. they served us 2 dishes, one with the pasta we made, and one with the ravioli.
the the first was with a mushroom reduction sauce. unbelievably simple and balanced.
then he served us with the ravioli. TBH it came out and it could easily be mistaken for the kds menu option of cheese ravioli with butter sauce.
ummmmm.... not the fucking case here. the "cheese" mike tysoned my mouth, and then the "butter" rope-a-doped my nose.... because it was truffle oil, not butter.
alright, you got this far, i'm gonna end it abruptly. if you want to do a class like this or the opportunity arises, do it. or be proactive and book cozymeals.
PS- if you're single this needs to be in your repertoire for dating. fun date idea, but take the class for yourself. can you imagine the face of your date if they walk in to see you serving homemade pasta?????? think about it.