Brooklyn Brew Shop Grapefruit Honey Ale® Beer Making Kit
Shipping Over $50
The Brooklyn Brew Shop Grapefruit Honey Ale® Beer Making Kit is a perfect choice for those who love bright, refreshing beers. Centennial and Columbus hops give this pale ale a refreshing grapefruit taste, but don’t be afraid to throw in a grapefruit rind or two! ABV 5.5%
Kit includes:
1 gallon Grapefruit Honey, All-Grain Mix
Centennial hops
Columbus hops
Belgian Candi sugar
Beer making yeast
Glass fermentation jug
Racking cane
Vinyl tubing
Tubing clamp
Screw-cap stopper
No-Rinse Sanitizer
All equipment is reusable. For your next batch, all you need is another All-Grain Ingredient Mix and a packet of No-Rinse Sanitizer.
Additional Ingredients Needed:
1/4 cup honey for brewing
3 Tbsp honey for bottling
1 dried grapefruit peel (optional)
Dimensions: Package: Length: 12”; Width: 8”; Height; 10”
Materials: See kit list.