Instant Pot Artichokes Recipe

Rating 5.0
| 2
| Last Updated on June 21, 2024
Instant Pot artichokes are the perfect spring dish when artichokes are in season. These tender artichokes are ready in less than 20 minutes.
Utensils Appetizer
Globe New American
Giselle is a recipe developer and content creator that loves all things sweet and savory. She runs her own food blog, The Busy Spatula, and her work has been featured on Yahoo!, Marvel Studios and the Kitchn.


whole artichokes
1 1/2 cup(s)
4 tbsp
melted butter, mayonnaise or vegan mayonnaise, to serve
lemon wedges, to serve
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Directions 8 steps | 13 Minutes

Step 1

Prepare the artichoke. Rinse the artichokes thoroughly.

Instant Pot Artichokes Recipe: Prepare the artichoke.
Step 2

Trim the artichoke of the fibrous stems. Remove the small outer leaves off the bottom of the artichoke. Trim the top of the artichoke to reveal the inner leaves and remove the spikey tips.

Instant Pot Artichokes Recipe: Trim the artichoke of the fibrous stems.
Step 3

Use a scissor to trim off the sharp tips of the larger leaves of the artichoke. 

Instant Pot Artichokes Recipe: Use a scissor to trim off the sharp tips of the larger leaves of the artichoke.
Step 4

Place an Instant Pot steaming rack in the bottom of the Instant Pot and add the water.

Instant Pot Artichokes Recipe: Place an Instant Pot steaming rack in the bottom of the Instant Pot and add the water.
Step 5

Place the trimmed artichokes on top of the steaming rack and close the lid. Make sure the lid is set to sealing. Set the Instant Pot to manual high pressure and set the timer for 8 minutes. (See notes 1.)

Instant Pot Artichokes Recipe: Place the trimmed artichokes on top of the steaming rack and close the lid.
Step 6

Once the timer goes off, quick-release the pressure. Be careful not to stand over the cooker while the pressure is being released as the steam is very hot. 

Instant Pot Artichokes Recipe: Once the timer goes off, quick-release the pressure.
Step 7

Squeeze lemon wedges into the melted butter, mayonnaise or vegan mayonnaise to taste. Mix until well combined.

Instant Pot Artichokes Recipe: Squeeze lemon wedges into the melted butter, mayonnaise or vegan mayonnaise to taste.
Step 8

Dip the leaves into the lemon sauce and enjoy!

Instant Pot Artichokes Recipe: Dip the leaves into the lemon sauce and enjoy!


  1. The cooking time is for a large artichoke, about five inches wide. Increase or decrease the time by a couple of minutes for a larger or smaller artichoke.

Nutrition Per Serving
View All
9.6 g
3.2 g
5.8 g
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Sarah D.


25 Jul 2022

The easiest steamed artichoke recipe I've found!

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Carmela G.


Cozymeal Team Member

13 Jul 2022

An easy to follow recipe. Definitely worth a try.

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