Flower Cupcakes Recipe

Rating 5.0
| 1
| Last Updated on April 18, 2024
These flower cupcakes are adorned with blooming marshmallow flowers. Celebrate Easter or springtime with your little ones with this easy sweet cupcake.
Utensils Dessert
Globe New American
Giselle is a recipe developer and content creator that loves all things sweet and savory. She runs her own food blog, The Busy Spatula, and her work has been featured on Yahoo!, Marvel Studios and the Kitchn.


batch of yellow cupcakes, recipe in notes 1
batch of seven minute frosting, recipe in notes 2
bag of mini marshmallows
sanding sugar, assorted colors
nonpareils, assorted colors
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Directions 6 steps | 30 Minutes

Step 1

Measure and prep all ingredients.

Flower Cupcakes Recipe: Measure and prep all ingredients.
Step 2

Frost the cupcake. Use an offset spatula to frost a smooth, flat layer of frosting on each cupcake.

Flower Cupcakes Recipe: Frost the cupcake.
Step 3

Make the petals. Use a scissor to cut each mini marshmallow diagonally. 

Flower Cupcakes Recipe: Make the petals.
Step 4

Form the petals. Dip each marshmallow in the sanding sugar and arrange the cut marshmallows with the sugared side facing up and the pointed end facing outwards

Flower Cupcakes Recipe: Form the petals.
Step 5

Arrange the marshmallows in a concentric circle, starting from the outer edge, angling the marshmallow so the sugared side is completely facing up. As the circles become smaller, angle the marshmallows to be closer to 45° for the most realistic presentation. (See notes 3.)

Flower Cupcakes Recipe: Arrange the marshmallows in a concentric circle, starting from the outer edge, angling the marshmallow so the sugared side is completely facing up.
Step 6

Sprinkle the nonpareils in the center of the flower cupcake for the pistil. Repeat with the remaining cupcakes. Enjoy!

Flower Cupcakes Recipe: 
Sprinkle the nonpareils in the center of the flower cupcake for the pistil.


  • The recipe for classic yellow cupcakes can be found here.
  • The recipe for an easy seven minute frosting can be found here.
  • The angle at which you place the marshmallows will affect how “open” the flower petals are. The closer to 90° the more closed the flowers will look.

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Chrystal G.


28 Jul 2022

Such a cool technique. The video was very helpful

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