Teens Cooking Series in Northern Suburbs
Teens cooking series in North Chicago offer a hands-on opportunity for aspiring young chefs to explore the vibrant local food scene through immersive cooking classes. During 3, 4 or 5 days of interactive learning, teen cooks aged 12-17 practice basic culinary skills, explore global cuisines and delve into gourmet techniques. Each chef-led series is designed to meet young cooks at their level featuring signature local dishes, traditional methods or innovative modern cooking styles.
World-Class Chefs
Learn hands-on skills from your city's best chefs.
Endless Options
Customize menus for every craving, diet or preference.
Flexible Bookings
Cancel or reschedule up to 48 hours before events with icon.
Flexible Locations
In-person or online.
Crowd-pleasing Cupcakes - Family Fun
Cupcake Celebration - Family Fun
April Fool's Goodies - Family Fun
April Fool's Antics - Family Fun
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Cooking Classes that meet your criteria and are available in nearby areas
Cupcake Feast - Family Fun
Playful Plates - Family Fun
International Flavors - Teen’s 4-Day Series

OTHER EXPERIENCES in Northern Suburbs