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Can You Freeze Pecan Pie?

by: John Hyde
Published on September 30, 2024 | 0 Comments
If you have dessert leftovers, you may ask: "Can you freeze pecan pie?"

Even if you love pecan pie, you can only eat so much, leading to the question: “Can you freeze pecan pie to enjoy leftovers later?” Pecan pie is one of the most delicious and popular types of pie. The depth of the nutty flavor and the incredible texture of the filling make it a favorite at family gatherings, celebrations and even as a mid-week treat. 

However, there’s always a chance you’ll have some leftovers and throwing it away is never optimal — that’s where freezing pecan pie comes in. While freezing pecan pie is not as simple as just putting it in the freezer, freezing it can be very successful in extending shelf life and maintaining taste and texture as long as certain steps are followed. 

In this guide, we’ll fully answer the question: “Can you freeze pecan pie?” and offer a variety of tips on how to freeze and defrost this delicious dessert, allowing you to always have some on hand.


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How Long Does Pecan Pie Last?

Before storing pecan pie in the freezer, you likely want to know how long it lasts in the fridge. The good news is that putting a pecan pie in the fridge will extend its shelf life compared to storing it on the counter. In fact, pecan pie should never be stored on the counter due to the eggs in the filling. 

However, even in the refrigerator, it will only stay good for up to a week. Therefore, if you have a few leftover slices and will eat them in the next few days, storing them in the fridge is fine. If you want to enjoy them in a week or more, freezing pecan pie is the best bet. 

A pecan pie with a slice taken out of it
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Can You Freeze a Pecan Pie?

So, can you freeze pecan pie? Yes, you can. However, you need to consider the impact on the taste and texture once you defrost the pie. When freezing a pecan pie, consider its initial composition. Store-bought pecan pies are often designed to be frozen and will stand up to freezing and defrosting better than homemade pies. However, all types of pecan pie can be frozen if needed, including store-bought or homemade and baked or unbaked.

Freezing an unbaked pecan pie won’t significantly change its texture because you still need to bake it afterward, and the defrosting process can be added to the baking process if needed. Freezing a baked pecan pie can affect the crust's texture when you defrost it.

While the pecans and the filling will handle the defrosting process well, the crust could become mushy and less flakey. By reheating the pie in the oven, you can generally fix this issue, resulting in a flaky and crisp crust and warm sweet filling with minimal texture changes compared to a freshly baked, non-frozen pecan pie.

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Can You Freeze Homemade Pecan Pie?

If you often make this popular dessert at home, you’ve probably questioned: “Can you freeze homemade pecan pie?” — whether to save a few slices that haven’t been eaten or to get ahead of baking for an event. Conveniently, the answer is yes; you can freeze pecan pie which is homemade.

However, as mentioned, a homemade pecan pie may defrost a little differently from a store-bought one. If you know you will need the pie later and aren’t eating it right away, consider freezing the assembled pie before baking it. This will have the best results and once cooked, it will be barely noticeable that you froze it. 

If you want to freeze a homemade pecan pie that has been baked, ensure it is fully cooled and very well-wrapped before freezing it. Re-heating it in the oven is also recommended once you come to eat it to re-crisp the pastry. 

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Can You Freeze Pecan Pie Slices?

If you are asking yourself: “Can you freeze pecan pie?”, you are also probably asking: “Can you freeze pecan pie slices?” You can freeze pecan pie slices, making it easy to hold on to the leftovers of a whole pie if you can't finish it all when fresh.

In fact, their smaller size means pie slices freeze and defrost more quickly than a whole pie, which protects consistency and flavor profile. Even if you have a whole baked pie, portioning it before freezing can be helpful, especially if you want to be able to grab a slice or two at a time without having to defrost the entire frozen dessert.

A slice of pecan pie on a plate
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Can You Freeze a Pecan Pie Before Baking?

Can you freeze pecan pie before you've baked it? Absolutely! And it’s actually a great method if you’re baking a pie for an upcoming event. Freezing a pecan pie before baking is one of the most effective and easy methods for freezing pecan pies because the pie you place in the oven is almost indistinguishable from a non-frozen one and will bake exactly the same.

You can both blind-bake the crust and then add the filling and freeze it or freeze an unbaked crust with the filling. You could even freeze the filling and then add it to the crust before baking. However, with the latter approach, the filling will need to fully defrost to be used. A full pie can be defrosted before baking or added straight to the oven from the freezer.

Uncooked mini pecan pies next to a bowl of filling
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Does Pecan Pie Freeze Well?

Can you freeze pecan pie? Yes. Does pecan pie freeze well? Generally, it does. Unlike other types of pie, such as those with a graham cracker crust or fresh cream, pecan pie handles the freezing and defrosting process well. As with almost any food, eating pecan pie fresh is always recommended but if it must be frozen and defrosted, you won’t notice too big of a change in taste or texture.

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How To Freeze Pecan Pie

Now that you know the answer to the question: "Can you freeze pecan pie?”, it’s important to learn the best method for freezing the dessert. There are a couple of different methods to use depending on the type of pecan pie (baked or unbaked), which are covered below.

All methods of freezing pecan pie require secure wrapping of the pie to prevent freezer burn. Correct storage once in the freezer is also important to avoid the dessert being squashed by heavier items. Lastly, adding the date of freezing to the pie is imperative to ensure it’s defrosted and enjoyed in an optimal window of time.   

How To Freeze an Unbaked Pecan Pie

  1. Wrap the pie in plastic wrap.
  2. Wrap the pie a second time with heavy-duty aluminum foil. This will protect against freezer burn and help maintain the pie's freshness.
  3. If desired, add the pie to a freezer-safe container or large freezer-safe bag if it will fit.
  4. Using a permanent marker, label the pie’s wrap or container with the date of freezing. It can also be useful to add a note stating it is pecan pie.
  5. Place the pie in the freezer. Ensure it is on a flat surface and do not place anything on top of it.

How To Freeze a Baked Pecan Pie

  1. Ensure the pie is fully cooled and portion it if desired.
  2. Wrap the baked pecan pie in a layer of plastic wrap and a second layer of heavy-duty aluminum foil.
  3. Ideally, place the pie in a freezer-safe container or bag.
  4. Date the pecan pie or pecan pie slices with the date of freezing. You could also add the date of baking or purchase if desired.
  5. Move the pie to the freezer, ensuring it’s placed on a flat surface and has no heavy items (or ideally, any items) placed on top of it. Slices of pie could be stored in the freezer doors if needed.

Top Tip: If you have time, it’s also recommended to flash freeze both unbaked and baked pecan pies before wrapping them to prevent sticking to the plastic wrap.

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How Long Can You Freeze a Pecan Pie?

Now we have established that you can freeze pecan pie, how long can you freeze it exactly? In general, pecan pie will stay good for four to six months in the freezer, but the sooner you eat it after freezing, the better.

Checking your frozen pecan pie for freezer burn is always a good idea as well. Freezer burn happens if you improperly freeze your pie or if it's been in the freezer for too long of a time. Freezer burn looks like dry, grayish-brown or white spots on the surface of frozen food. It may also appear as frosty or rough patches. However, if stored correctly and eaten within six months at most, you shouldn't notice any issues.

A whole pecan pie with crimped edges
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How To Thaw Pecan Pie

When freezing pecan pie, following the correct steps during defrosting is crucial to get the best results. When you’re ready to eat your frozen baked pecan pie, remove the pie or pie slices from the freezer and place in the refrigerator. It can take around eight to 12 hours for a full pie to defrost. While you could place it on the counter to defrost more quickly, thawing in the refrigerator provides a more even thaw.

If you want to thaw pecan pie that has not been baked, you can follow the above steps before baking or put it straight into the preheated oven. If baking from frozen, add about 10 to 15 minutes of cooking time to the usual bake time, checking it throughout to see if it is fully baked.

A slice of pecan pie with a scoop of ice cream on a plate
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How To Reheat Pecan Pie

If you want to reheat your frozen pecan pie, it’s relatively easy to do. Heating the pie in the oven can also help to make the crust crispy again as you may notice some texture changes in this part of the pie after freezing and defrosting.

To reheat an already-cooked pecan pie:

  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (175 degrees Celcius).
  2. Lightly cover the pie with aluminum foil to prevent the crust from over-browning while the filling warms.
  3. Place the covered pie on a baking sheet and put it in the oven. Reheat for 10-15 minutes. You can check the temperature with a thermometer — the center should reach around 135 degrees Fahrenheit to 150 degrees Fahrenheit (57 degrees Celcius to 65 degrees Celcius).
  4. Remove the pie from the oven and let it cool for a few minutes before slicing and serving.
A person taking a pecan pie out of the oven
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Can you freeze pecan pie? Yes! You absolutely can. Does pecan pie freeze well? Also yes! Freezing a pecan pie is a great way to store extra pie that you can't eat in one go and an excellent method for saving baking time before your next event.

You could even take up baking pecan pies in bulk, ensuring you always have one ready for a dinner party, as a gift or simply when you crave a sweet treat. By following the freezing and defrosting steps in this article, it shouldn't even be noticeable that this delicious and classic dessert has been in the freezer.

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