17 Best Olipop Flavors Ranked in 2025
Soda’s not something any of us associate with health. It’s often one of the first things to go when you make a New Year’s resolution to eat healthier. But Olipop is trying to change that, selling low-sugar sodas with natural sweeteners and digestion-aiding prebiotics that are said to support a healthy gut biome.
It’s well in keeping with the trend of creating healthy copycats of favorite junk foods. Oh, and there are about a million flavor options — or, to be precise, 17.
So naturally, the question of the best Olipop flavor is hotly debated. Some claim the best Olipop flavors are the ones that mimic classic sodas, while others prefer the more inventive options.
Can a healthier soda option ever really resemble a sugar-packed favorite? Is less always more? We can’t settle those questions or tell you what the best Olipop flavor is, but we can rank them.
For the purposes of this list, Olipop flavors are ranked by taste, popularity and how well they execute the concept. So what are the best Olipop flavors to try?
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All 17 Olipop Flavors Ranked
1. Strawberry Vanilla
We’re bucking the system here: instead of going from worst to best, we’ll be starting this list with the best Olipop flavor. Even the most dedicated fans admit that Olipop excels at fruit flavors, so it’s no surprise that our pick for the best Olipop flavor is as fruity as it gets. The tang of strawberry and the moderating subtlety of vanilla make this flavor taste like a liquid dessert, and it’s a great look for Olipop.
Plus, this one has the huge advantage of being relatively novel. Sure, strawberry sodas exist, but there’s no truly iconic brand that a flavor like this has to compete with. You won’t be expecting Strawberry Vanilla Olipop to taste like anything else, so you go in with an open mind. That’ll let you fully enjoy the smooth, fruity sweetness of this (in our humble opinion) best Olipop flavor.
2. Orange Squeeze
Orange Squeeze may be a fruit flavor, but it’s also in the tough position of having to compete with the iconic flavors of Squirt, Fanta or whatever orange soda you grew up drinking. But its ranking speaks for itself: This is one of the best Olipop flavors. So how does Orange Squeeze pull it off?
Firstly, this flavor uses mandarin juice, which has a sweeter and less tangy flavor than regular orange juice. That gives it a pleasant lightness that’s unique among orange sodas. It also tastes more like its derivative fruit flavor than anything else, which is an accomplishment when it comes to soda.
And, as is true of many fruity Olipop flavors, it’s a little creamier than you’d expect, thanks to the Olismart probiotic blend. Think of an Orange Creamsicle and you’ll have an idea of what this Olipop flavor tastes like.
A rule of thumb to keep in mind as you read this list: because Olismart adds that creamy layer no matter what, the best Olipop flavors are always the ones where it enhances the flavor rather than distracting from it.
3. Tropical Punch
We all have an idea of what fruit punch tastes like. For most of us, that’s a vaguely-fruity concoction tasting slightly of chemicals and packing about a truckload of Red 40.
For others, it might be a boozy pineapple beverage you had at a frat party in college. But whatever you think Tropical Punch should mean, it likely bears little resemblance to this Olipop flavor, which is exactly what makes it one of the best Olipop flavors!
The natural fruit flavors of pineapple (the main flavor), passionfruit (for complexity) and lemon (a welcome note of sourness) make this a winning summer soda pick. Tropical Punch is nothing like the Kool-Aid of your childhood or the jungle juice of your adolescence — it’s something altogether better.
4. Cherry Vanilla
Are you seeing a trend here? Creamy, vanilla-infused sodas are almost always among Olipop’s best flavors. Cherry Vanilla might sound off-puttingly similar to a medicine flavor or the deeply polarizing Cherry Coke, but it’s nothing like either of those things.
Rather, this fourth-best Olipop flavor has a taste that’s natural enough to remind you of fresh summer cherries but muted by the vanilla to create a creamier and more layered flavor profile. The result? The dream soda of that one person in every friend group who asks to eat the maraschino cherries off of everyone else’s milkshakes.
5. Peaches & Cream
Sticking with the trend of fruity flavors first, our choice for the next best Olipop flavor is this relatively new addition. This was launched as Barbie Peaches & Cream in August 2024 to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the Barbie doll. While it was set to be a limited edition Olipop flavor, it was bought back due to its popularity and rebranded as just Peaches & Cream.
Despite being loved by many, others have differing views. Some critics think it’s much too sweet, while others think the peach flavor is too artificial. But those who love it cite its slight creaminess and pleasant peach-vanilla flavor blend.
Perhaps the most helpful thing we can say about this flavor is that it tastes like peach ring candy. If you love peach rings, this will probably be the best Olipop flavor in your eyes. If you don’t, grab a different flavor off the shelf — you probably won’t love this one.
6. Crisp Apple
Apple soda might sound like one of the crazier concepts Olipop has swung for, and you know what? They’ve hit it out of the park. This is one of the best Olipop flavors and ranks outside of the top five only because it’s really sweet.
The easiest test of whether you’ll like this one is to ask yourself how you feel about apple juice. Love it? Then you’ll probably think this is the best Olipop flavor out there because it tastes overwhelmingly like carbonated apple juice. But if you find it much too sweet, Crisp Apple won’t satisfy. Just go in knowing that this is one of the sweetest flavors Olipop sells.
7. Watermelon Lime
If your heart is set on citrus, this might not be the best Olipop flavor to go for. Its main criticism, in fact, is that it’s sadly lacking in the lime flavor its name promises. But if you want a tart, refreshing and one-of-a-kind soda, you’re in luck.
Watermelon Lime’s most prominent flavor is watermelon. It also has notes of cherry, which is another juice on its ingredient list. You’re not alone if you don’t see how those two flavors would work well together, but they have just the right kind of tartness to complement each other.
Try this one if you think that the best Olipop flavors are the ones no one else has thought to make yet.
8. Banana Cream
Banana soda? Depending on who you are, that might sound abjectly disgusting or heaven-sent. Bananas tend to inspire intensely mixed feelings, so it would be surprising if this were one of the best Olipop flavors — it’s just too polarizing.
But remember what we said before about Olipop excelling at creamy fruit flavors? This one can’t be ranked too low, either. It has a subtle but still extremely noticeable banana flavor that fans of the fruit will appreciate, as it doesn’t fall into the cloyingly artificial territory that many other banana-flavored products edge dangerously close to.
It’s no secret that Banana Cream won’t be everybody’s favorite, but there is someone out there who is going to try this stuff and think it’s the best Olipop flavor imaginable. We see you, banana lover, and this modest but respectable ranking is for you.
9. Ginger Ale
This is one of Olipop’s best imitations of a common soda flavor. Its lack of artificial sweeteners and flavors lets the sharp flavor of ginger shine, which is exactly what you want. Is it one of the best Olipop flavors? Probably not, in most people’s opinions. But it’s pleasant to drink all the same.
The strength of this flavor is that it’s strong, as any ginger drink should be, but not so strong that you’ll wince at the intensity of the ginger. It’s a drink you can enjoy rather than gulping down as fast as possible so it won’t burn your throat when you feel nauseous on an airplane.
While it doesn’t do anything to stand out, Ginger Ale is a reliable Olipop flavor that even ginger ale nonbelievers could probably enjoy. Overall, a well-executed flavor and a safe choice.
10. Lemon Lime
Almost everyone agrees that Olipop Lemon Lime is an agreeable flavor. It doesn’t have a chemical aftertaste or a combination of flavors that just doesn’t work. So why isn’t it ranked up there with the best Olipop flavors? Mostly because it doesn’t taste like you probably expected it to.
See, lemon-lime sodas are some of the best-known and most-loved flavors out there. Everyone’s got an opinion on whether Sprite or Seven-Up is better. Everyone knows what they think this flavor should taste like. So when a soda markets itself as Lemon Lime but tastes like a lemony, carbonated sweet tea than it does like a Sprite, you’re bound to end up with a bunch of disappointed customers.
That said, the only thing that keeps this one out of the top ranks with the best Olipop flavors is its marketing. Honestly? Give this one a rebrand and a new name, and you’d be looking at a totally different ranking. It’s like the carbonated version of taking your tea with honey and lemon, and in our humble opinion, that’s something worth contributing to the soda world.
Olipop is best when they bring something new to the table. Here, they have — it just doesn’t look like they know it yet.
11. Classic Grape
Look, either you adore grape soda or it will always taste like medicine to you. Totally fair — there’s no undoing culinary childhood trauma. But whichever camp you fall into, Olipop’s Classic Grape flavor is worth a shot.
We won’t sugarcoat it: Classic Grape is another flavor that falls victim to its polarizing flavor profile. It’s well-executed but too divisive to make it any higher on a list of the best Olipop flavors.
So what’s good about it? Its natural taste, for one. Classic Grape tastes more like actual grape juice than anything else, a towering achievement in the soda world. (And, you know, kind of the whole point of Olipop. So good job there). It’s lighter and more refreshing than you’d think grape soda could ever be. And there’s none of the cloying sweetness you might expect.
There is a word in which this was one of the best Olipop flavors. Maybe one in which the first pharmacists to whip up a grape cough syrup for kids picked a different fruit to butcher. But alas, popularity is one of the criteria we consider, so an acquired taste sinks this otherwise delightful Olipop flavor to 11th place.
12. Cream Soda
Cream soda has to have one of the most intensely sweet flavors ever devised. This is also true of Olipop’s version, even with the sugar content greatly reduced. What’s different is the aftertaste.
Because Olipop is sweetened with Stevia (a plant-based sweetener) and includes a prebiotic boost called Olismart, almost all of its flavors have some sort of aftertaste. A stronger base flavor can often mask it — that’s part of the reason that Olipop’s best flavors, ranked higher up, were mostly fruity.
But when you have a flavor like cream soda, which has little going on but sweetness, it’s much more prominent. Not enough to ruin the impression of cream soda, mind you — but prominent.
By no means does that make Olipop Cream Soda an unpleasant flavor. The aftertaste is pretty mild, and if you regularly consume Stevia, you might not even notice it. Still, it can be kind of unpleasant, hence the lower rating of this flavor.
13. Ginger Lemon
Go into this expecting a dominant lemon flavor and you might not get what you asked for. Frankly, Ginger Lemon tastes more like a ginger ale with a few wedges of lemon squeezed in as an afterthought. But it’s also sweeter than most ginger drinks on the market.
So, in a moment when you’ve found yourself in dire need of the stomach-soothing power of ginger but not in the mood for its kick, this is the best Olipop flavor to reach for.
Really, how much you like this one will probably depend on how much you like ginger. It may be a little toned down here, but it’s still strong. So if you like your sodas super mild and sweet, this may not top your ranking of the best Olipop flavors.
14. Classic Root Beer
Ah, root beer. What’s more nostalgic than a few scoops of supermarket ice cream in a big glass of root beer on a summer day? Not much. So this one had a lot to live up to if it wanted to be crowned as one of the best Olipop flavors, and it…sort of didn’t, which will be a little disappointing to those jumping on the food trend of retro flavors.
To Olipop’s credit, the flavors are all here. It does have a superficial root beer-ish taste that would probably serve its purpose in a float or another drink where the soda isn’t the star. But its natural ingredients don’t mimic the body and depth of the original as well as you’d hope.
Like most of the bottom-tier flavors on this Olipop flavor ranking, this is neither one of the best Olipop flavors nor completely off-base.
15. Doctor Goodwin
Who exactly is Doctor Goodwin? Uncertain. But this Dr Pepper substitute doesn’t quite live up to the iconic flavor of the original. Rather than the classic flavor you might be expecting, Doctor Goodwin has altogether too much going on: it has a cola taste layered atop a fruit taste layered atop what we’ll just call a certain je ne sais quoi.
You’ve probably come into this soda experience expecting something very specific. Instead, you’ll get bombarded with a dozen flavors you can’t readily identify. Do they work? Sort of. It is, in its way, a pleasant flavor. But is it what you’re probably expecting or hoping for? Not likely.
Not one of the best Olipop flavors, at the end of the day. If you’re in the mood for a classic soda imitation, we recommend opting for Orange Squeeze or Ginger Ale instead.
16. Cherry Cola
This Olipop flavor has the dubious distinction of not being dead last. Why? Because it is a better imitation of its inspiration than the flavor that did wind up in the lowest spot on this list. But it is still not likely to be what you’re expecting. While it does have some of the syrupy sweetness of traditional cherry colas, it can quickly get too syrupy.
Unlike Classic Grape, it doesn’t entirely beat the “tastes like medicine” allegations. But it’s on the edge, and it does taste more like cherry cola than Vintage Cola tastes like what it’s supposed to taste like.
It’s unfortunate, considering that the brand’s other cherry flavor — Cherry Vanilla — is such a standout in its lineup. But once again, if a classic flavor is what you want out of your Olipop, some of the best Olipop flavors fit the bill much better than this one.
17. Vintage Cola
Olipop is not like any other soda on the market, so when one of its flavors tries to imitate a soda that we’ve all already tasted, eyebrows tend to be raised. Is there any way a healthified probiotic soda can mimic the taste of a classic Coke?
The consensus seems to be “not exactly.” But even the least-liked of Olipop’s flavors gets pretty decent reviews, and the best way to enjoy this flavor is by treating it as its own thing. Don’t imagine you’re drinking a Coke or a Dr. Pepper, and you’ll likely enjoy the milder, sweeter molasses taste much more.
This is not likely to top anyone’s list of the best Olipop flavors, but it has something to offer even so. Best for those who are looking for a reprieve from the fruit flavors that dominate Olipop’s flavor lineup.
Or if you’re a huge Pepsi fan wondering how to start eating healthy by opting for a slightly healthier soda like Olipop, just know this won’t hit the same.
What Is the Best Olipop Flavor?
There are varying opinions about what the best Olipop flavor is, but there are some trends we can observe. Fruit flavors tend to dominate the conversation on the best Olipop flavors. Unsurprising, we’re sure, after we ranked pretty much all of the fruit flavors way up at the top with the best Olipop flavors in the bunch.
And while every flavor has its devoted fans, the most-loved seem to be Strawberry Cream, Classic Grape, Crisp Apple and Banana Cream. Some of these, you may notice, weren’t ranked too high — but that was usually because the flavor was polarizing, not because it wasn’t well-executed.
And another note: Savvy drinkers who want a second opinion might want to check out TikTok food trends surrounding the brand — ranking things is popular on that platform, and the best Olipop flavors are no exception. You may also find some fun recipes, including Olipop, such as mocktail or ice cream float recipes, which may alter the taste and your opinion of certain Olipop flavors.
What Does Olipop Taste Like?
Whether you’re talking about the best Olipop flavors or the most disappointing, there are a few commonalities across the whole range of flavors. One of those is a less sweet taste than you’d find in a typical soda.
Naturally, since Olipop packages itself as a healthy drink option (at least healthy in the soda world!) and doesn’t use sugar, the sweetness is subtler. You’ll also probably notice an herbal aftertaste because of the use of plant-based ingredients, especially Stevia.
Finally, Olipop drinks tend to be rather thick for a soda. That’s because of Olismart, a prebiotic blend that is included to promote digestive health. (To learn more about what this actually does for your body, read up on the differences between prebiotic vs. probiotic).
With a list of flavors as wide-ranging as Olipop’s, the question of the best Olipop flavor is bound to be hard to settle. So, even though we’ve done our best to evaluate and rank them all, it’s infinitely more satisfying to form your own opinions. And you really can’t go too wrong with a lineup as solid as Olipop’s. At the end of the day, the best Olipop flavor is always going to be the one you tried and enjoyed most.
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