Kids Cooking Classes in Darien
Foster your child's creativity in kids' cooking classes in Darien. Enrich your child's weekly schedule with a hands-on cooking class. Attendees will learn age-appropriate kitchen skills, such as mixing, reading a recipe and measuring ingredients. The class will be taught by an engaging top-notch professional chef and is meant to be a collaborative experience between kids and their attending supervisor. Whip up a tasty treat while learning valuable life skills in this unforgettable kid-friendly cooking experience. Book a class today.
World-Class Chefs
Learn hands-on skills from your city's best chefs.
Endless Options
Customize menus for every craving, diet or preference.
Flexible Bookings
Cancel or reschedule up to 48 hours before events with icon.
Flexible Locations
In-person or online.
Wonderful Spring Cupcakes - Family Fun
Baker's Dozen - Family Fun
Clever Creations - Family Fun
Edible Pranking - Family Fun
Pasta Workshop - Family Fun
Easy Italian - Family Fun
Classic Cookies - Family Fun
Sweet Treats - Family Fun
Mother's Day Delights - Family Fun
The Perfect Pizza - Family Fun
Pizza Party - Family Fun
Wings for Dad - Family Fun
Showing 1 to 12 out of 22 results