Adult Cooking Classes in Mississauga


Book a babysitter and spend the evening out with adult cooking classes in Mississauga. Enjoy the fun and conversation of like-minded foodies as you learn how to create a variety of recipes using Ontario's fresh ingredients and local produce. You'll prepare anything from artisan cheeses, Indian specialties and Spanish tapas to four-course French meals, Iron Chef-inspired competitions and gourmet vegan menus. Get started by checking out adult cooking classes in Mississauga today!

World-Class Chefs

Learn hands-on skills from your city's best chefs.

Endless Options

Customize menus for every craving, diet or preference.

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In-person or online.

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Mississauga Cooking Class: Land & Sea Mexican Medley Mississauga Cooking Class: Land & Sea Mexican Medley 2 slide Mississauga Cooking Class: Land & Sea Mexican Medley 3 slide Mississauga Cooking Class: Land & Sea Mexican Medley 4 slide Mississauga Cooking Class: Land & Sea Mexican Medley 5 slide Mississauga Cooking Class: Land & Sea Mexican Medley 6 slide

Land & Sea Mexican Medley

CAD $149
Cooking Class
CAD $149
Create a blended menu featuring the finest flavors from a range of terrains. Explore a signature selection of Mexican creations from field, farm and ocean in this exciting hands-on cooking class. Chef Akshay steps into the kitchen to share insight and technique into dishes prepared with delicious regional...
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Chef Akshay
15 Reviews
VAUGHAN (Woodbridge)
Next Date: Tue, Mar 11th at 6:00PM & other times
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Mississauga Cooking Class: Essential Steak Dinner Techniques Mississauga Cooking Class: Essential Steak Dinner Techniques 2 slide Mississauga Cooking Class: Essential Steak Dinner Techniques 3 slide Mississauga Cooking Class: Essential Steak Dinner Techniques 4 slide Mississauga Cooking Class: Essential Steak Dinner Techniques 5 slide Mississauga Cooking Class: Essential Steak Dinner Techniques 6 slide

Essential Steak Dinner Techniques

CAD $149
Cooking Class
CAD $149
Join Chef Jeffrey as you whip up a spread fit for a fine dining restaurant. In this interactive cooking class, Chef Jeffrey will teach you how to prepare a gourmet dinner like a professional. You’ll discover top-notch kitchen techniques and the best methods for working with high-quality ingredients. Make...
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Chef Jeffrey R.
66 Reviews
Serving the Mississauga area
Next Date: Sat, Mar 15th at 6:00PM & other times
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Mississauga Cooking Class: Stylish Steakhouse Spread Mississauga Cooking Class: Stylish Steakhouse Spread 2 slide Mississauga Cooking Class: Stylish Steakhouse Spread 3 slide Mississauga Cooking Class: Stylish Steakhouse Spread 4 slide Mississauga Cooking Class: Stylish Steakhouse Spread 5 slide Mississauga Cooking Class: Stylish Steakhouse Spread 6 slide

Stylish Steakhouse Spread

CAD $135
Cooking Class
CAD $135
Prepare your own gourmet steak dinner with all the trimmings, made with authentic flair. For lovers of traditional steakhouse dining, this hands-on cooking class with Chef Jeffrey is the perfect home lesson where he'll show you how to cook up your own version of a classic menu from appetizer to dessert. To begin,...
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Chef Jeffrey R.
66 Reviews
Serving the Mississauga area
Next Date: Sat, Mar 15th at 6:00PM & other times
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