Cooking Classes in Berkeley
Best Cooking Classes in Berkeley for your next culinary journey
Berkeley cooking classes will elevate your culinary know-how to a brand new level. Whether you're craving a certain type of cuisine (Italian, Asian, American and beyond) or you're dedicated to a dietary lifestyle (gluten-free, vegan, keto and more), there is a class perfectly tailored to you. Join a professional chef as they guide you through your tried-and-true favorite dishes — or, tackle a dish you've never tried before. A memorable culinary experience is waiting for you in Berkeley.
World-Class Chefs
Learn hands-on skills from your city's best chefs.
Endless Options
Customize menus for every craving, diet or preference.
Flexible Bookings
Cancel or reschedule up to 48 hours before events with icon.
Flexible Locations
In-person or online.
Contact our concierge team for a customized experience.
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Cooking Classes that meet your criteria and are available in nearby areas
Feast From Little Italy
Creative Cooking Challenge
Traditional Pork Dumpling Essentials
Custom Pizza Essentials
Artisan Pasta Creation
Risotto Demystified